aig toiseach-tòiseachaidh / in the beginning


my father reached out

spoke to me in the instant

before death,

lost inside the earth cores deepest

sleep, held inside the silent

mountain, i held his

hand. sing out. life is all

reaching, if you’re doing,

falling, failing,

getting up. living in the

joy & inside the saddest river.

life is present, being.

inside life’s pain

we stretch to live, all trying,

lost within the dying & the ends.

mute swans sing out

in their dying moments.

a story told in days, reaching

into tomorrow, carried on

from otherworlds,

upon the backs of birds who travel

in between the song of sound. the song the

living cannot hear unless we dream.

birds speak & understand the minds of man.

we have travelled together,

watching inside darkened

centuries of history in

muted communication,shaping time,as

shifting sound. listen. the dreaming

understand the song of death,

the journey into the screaming universe.

the shifting shore where our first words

were song,

held within the blink of

night hawk eye. swans sing inside

their joy to die, they

call out to the darkness that sings to

them. i heard my father

in his dying breath. his song of loss, speaking forgiveness, a song

of pain. the messenger walks

between the sound of worlds, he

whispers, listen. know in recognition,

the going home, the roaring dawn ahead. the end is the voice of understanding.

©kbain2018.All Rights Reserved.

Lùigeadh / Longing


St. Fillan's Parish Kirk-

If I am to meet you again
Let not the years that have
separated us come between us
let your touch
not be that of a Stranger
let us know ourselves
in recognition and each other
understand and be true of heart..
reach out and connect in love
Not in loss and pain but full of joy
of the happiness that lived inside us
that we saw and believed in
wrapping ourselves around

Let us be as one..

Feel again the flame that burned
inside and that we knew..
let the sorrow be outcast and leave
Us both
erasing the meaningless words
I spoke unto you
to make you go away…
to make you leave me..
to make you love me not..
let us see each other and remember
and at the same time let us forget
to walk in understanding
to forgive each other
and ourselves
To both be whole again…

©Karen Bain 2016.All Rights Reserved.